Regulatory Requirements
Internal Control Policy
Director’s Remuneration Policy
Risk Management Policy
Whistle Blowing Policy
The objective of policy is to ensure that the Code of Conduct is upheld through transparent and fair process. Employees are encouraged to question, discuss, and share information regarding any suspected irregularities or non-compliance with the Code of Conduct.
Code of Conduct
- Promote Fair Business Practices
- Avoid Conflict of Interest
- Respect for Human Rights, Dignity and Equal Opportunity:
- Proprietary and Confidential Information
- Open Communication
- Place and Work Environment
- Legal and Ethical Standards
- Compliance
- Participation in Politics
- Irregular Conduct, Fraud, Deception and Violation of Code
- Related Party Transactions
Shareholder Communication and Investor Relation Policy Purpose
- giving shareholders ready access to information about the Company and its governance;
- communicating openly and honestly with shareholders; and
- encouraging and facilitating their participation in meetings of shareholders. The purpose of this policy is to outline how the Company will provide shareholders and other investors with information about itself and its governance, and to outline the Company’s investor relations program.
Company Website
The Company has a website which can be found at The Company’s website is designed to provide shareholders and other investors with helpful information about the Company.
General Meetings
The Company recognizes that general meetings are an important forum for two-way communication between the Company and its shareholders. The meetings provide the Company with an opportunity to impart to shareholders a greater understanding of its business, governance, financial performance and prospects, as well as to discuss areas of concern or interest to the Board and management. The meetings also provide shareholders with an opportunity to express their views to the Company’s Board and management about any areas of concern or interest for them. The Company endeavours to actively engage with shareholders at its general meetings, and encourages attendance and participation at its meetings.
Shareholder Meetings and Enquiries
The Company endeavours to meet with shareholders upon request and respond to any enquiries they may make from time to time.
Disclosure of Material and / or Price Sensitive Information
The Company discloses material information as appropriate in a transparent and timely manner, in compliance with the requirements of all the applicable laws and regulations. Information which is not regarded as material under the applicable laws may be disseminated to the shareholders by way of press releases on Pakistan Stock Exchange website.